Logika Tawassul (Revisi)
Posted: November 30, 2007 by Abu Faris in Aqidah, Fiqh, Sanggahan & Kritik Ilmiah, Umum

Di antara logika yang sering dikemukakan oleh orang-orang yang menganjurkan tawassul dengan orang-orang yang sudah wafat—yang zahirnya adalah orang shalih—di makam mereka adalah sebagai berikut: Seseorang yang hendak menemui dan meminta kepada raja maka ia harus melalui perantaraan sekretarisnya, bawahannya, atau orang yang dekat dengan raja terlebih dahulu, maka begitu pula orang yang hendak menghadap dan meminta kepada Allah, Sang Maha Raja, maka ia menggunakan perantaraan (ber-tawassul) dengan orang-orang yang dekat dengan Allah, yaitu orang-orang shalih atau para wali, di makam mereka.

Ini adalah logika, silogisme dan analogi yang sangat fatal kekeliruannya (qiyās fāsidu’l i`tibār wa ma`a’l fāriq). Sebab, tentu tidak sama antara raja dunia dengan Allah, Sang Maha Raja. Raja dunia banyak memiliki kelemahan. Ia dapat dimudharatkan oleh orang lain yang tidak dikenalnya, yaitu dibunuh atau dilukai. Di samping bahwa kekayaan raja dunia yang sangat terbatas sehingga ia tidak mampu mengabulkan permintaan dari seluruh rakyatnya. Karena itulah maka ia membutuhkan perantara, yaitu untuk mencegah terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan dan untuk menyeleksi permintaan yang masuk kepadanya. Adapun Allah, maka siapakah yang mampu memudharatkan Allah? Bukankah Allah itu maha kaya dan dengan mudah mampu memenuhi permintaan setiap hamba-Nya?

Disebutkan dalam hadits qudsi, bahwa Allah berkata,

يَا عِبَادِي إِنَّكُمْ لَنْ تَبْلُغُوا ضَرِّي فَتَضُرُّونِي. وَلَنْ تَبْلُغُوا نَفْعِي فَتَنْفَعُونِي. يَا عِبَادِي لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ، وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ. كَانُوا عَلَىٰ أَتْقَىٰ قَلْبِ رَجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ مِنْكُمْ. مَا زَادَ ذٰلِكَ فِي مُلْكِي شَيْئاً. يَا عِبَادِي لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ. وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ. كَانُوا عَلَىٰ أَفْجَرِ قَلْبِ رَجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ. مَا نَقَصَ ذَلِكَ مِنْ مُلْكِي شَيْئاً. يَا عِبَادِي لَوْ أَنَّ أَوَّلَكُمْ وَآخِرَكُمْ. وَإِنْسَكُمْ وَجِنَّكُمْ. قَامُوا فِي صَعِيدٍ وَاحِدٍ فَسَأَلُونِي. فَأَعْطَيْتُ كُلَّ إِنْسَانٍ مَسْأَلَتَهُ. مَا نَقَصَ ذٰلِكَ مِمَّا عِنْدِي إِلاَّ كَمَا يَنْقُصُ الْمِخْيَطُ إِذَا أُدْخِلَ الْبَحْرَ

“Hai para hamba-Ku, sesungguhnya kalian tidak akan mampu memudharatkan-Ku dan juga tidak akan mampu memberi manfaat kepada-Ku. Hai para hamba-Ku, sekiranya yang awal dan yang akhir dari kalian, begitu pula jin dan manusia seluruhnya berada pada kondisi satu hati yang paling bertaqwa dari kalian niscaya hal itu tidak menambah apapun pada kerajaan-Ku. Hai para hamba-Ku, sekiranya sekiranya yang awal dan yang akhir dari kalian, begitu pula jin dan manusia seluruhnya berada pada kondisi satu hati yang paling durhaka dari kalian niscaya hal itu tidak mengurangi sedikit pun dari kerajaan-Ku. Hai para hamba-Ku, sekiranya sekiranya yang awal dan yang akhir dari kalian, begitu pula jin dan manusia seluruhnya berdiri pada suatu tempat, lalu semuanya meminta kepada-Ku dan kemudian Aku penuhi permintaan dari masing-masing kalian, maka tidaklah hal itu mengurangi apa yang di sisi-Ku melainkan seperti berkurangnya (air laut yang menempel pada) jarum apabila dicelupkan kepadanya.” [Riwayat Muslim dan lain-lain.]

Di samping itu, dengan menggunakan logika yang sama dapat kita katakan: Manakah yang lebih baik; raja yang jauh dari rakyatnya sehingga rakyatnya harus memakai perantara untuk menemuinya, ataukah raja yang sangat dekat dan egaliter sehingga rakyatnya dapat bertemu langsung dengannya tanpa perantara? Tentu jawabnya adalah raja tipe kedua. Jika demikian, maka mengapa mereka justru menganalogikan Allah `Azza wa Jalla dengan raja tipe pertama?! Subhāna’Llāh ‘an mā yashifun.

تِلْكَ إِذاً قِسْمَةٌ ضِيزَى {22} إِنْ هِيَ إِلَّا أَسْمَاء سَمَّيْتُمُوهَا أَنتُمْ وَآبَاؤُكُم مَّا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ بِهَا مِن سُلْطَانٍ إِن يَتَّبِعُونَ إِلَّا الظَّنَّ وَمَا تَهْوَى الْأَنفُسُ وَلَقَدْ جَاءهُم مِّن رَّبِّهِمُ الْهُدَى {23}

“Yang demikian itu tentulah suatu pembagian yang tidak adil. Itu tidak lain hanyalah nama-nama yang kamu dan bapak-bapak kamu mengada-adakannya; Allah tidak menurunkan suatu keterangan pun tentangnya. Mereka tidak lain hanyalah mengikuti sangkaan-sangkaan, dan apa yang diingini oleh hawa nafsu mereka, dan sesungguhnya telah datang petunjuk kepada mereka dari Rabb mereka.” (QS. An-Najm: 22-23)

وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُواْ لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُواْ بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ

“Dan apabila para hamba-Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka (jawablah), bahwasanya Aku adalah dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila ia memohon kepada-Ku, maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala perintah)-Ku dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepada-Ku, agar mereka selalu berada dalam kebenaran.” (QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 186)

Selanjutnya, dari mana akan diketahui bahwa orang yang telah wafat yang dijadikan sebagai perantara itu adalah sebenar-benar wali Allah atau orang shalih dalam pandangan Allah? Meskipun secara zahir yang bersangkutan adalah orang shalih, tapi bukankah kita tidak mengetahui batin dan kadar keikhlasannya? Keikhlasan dan batin seseorang hanya diketahui oleh Allah. Padahal, keikhlasan adalah faktor utama yang menentukan penerimaan seseorang di sisi Allah. Bukankah yang masuk neraka pertama kali adalah orang alim atau qāri’, mujāhid dan penderma yang tidak ikhlas, padahal secara zahir mereka tampak sebagai orang shalih?

Dari Abū Hurairah, Nabi ` bersabda,

إنَّ أَوَّلَ النَّاسِ يُقْضَىٰ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ عَلَيْهِ، رَجُلٌ اسْتُشْهِدَ. فَأُتِيَ بِهِ فَعَرَّفَهُ نِعَمَهُ فَعَرَفَهَا. قَالَ: فَمَا عَمِلْتَ فِيهَا؟ قَالَ: قَاتَلْتُ فِيكَ حَتَّىٰ اسْتُشْهِدْتُ. قَالَ: كَذَبْتَ. وَلكِنَّكَ قَاتَلْتَ لأَنْ يُقَالَ جَرِيءٌ. فَقَدْ قِيلَ. ثُمَّ أُمِرَ بِهِ فَسُحِبَ عَلَىٰ وَجْهِهِ حَتَّىٰ أُلْقِيَ فِي النَّارِ. وَرَجُلٌ تَعَلَّمَ الْعِلْمَ وَعَلَّمَهُ وَقَرَأَ الْقُرْآنَ. فَأُتِيَ بِهِ. فَعَرَّفَهُ نِعَمَهُ فَعَرَفَهَا. قَالَ: فَمَا عَمِلْتَ فِيهَا؟ قَالَ: تَعَلَّمْتُ الْعِلْمَ وَعَلَّمْتُهُ وَقَرَأْتُ فِيكَ الْقُرْآنَ. قَالَ: كَذَبْتَ وَلَـٰكِنَّكَ تَعَلَّمْتَ الْعِلْمَ لِيُقَالَ عَالِمٌ. وَقَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ لِيُقَالَ هُوَ قَارِىءٌ. فَقَدْ قِيلَ. ثُمَّ أُمِرَ بِهِ فَسُحِبَ عَلَىٰ وَجْهِهِ حَتَّىٰ أُلْقِيَ فِي النَّارِ. وَرَجُلٌ وَسَّعَ اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَأَعْطَاهُ مِنْ أَصْنَافِ الْمَالِ كُلِّهِ. فَأُتِيَ بِهِ فَعَرَّفَهُ نِعَمَهُ فَعَرَفَهَا. قَالَ: فَمَا عَمِلْتَ فِيهَا؟ قَالَ: مَا تَرَكْتُ مِنْ سَبِيلٍ تُحِبُّ أَنْ يُنْفَقَ فِيهَا إلاَّ أَنْفَقْتُ فِيهَا لَكَ. قَالَ: كَذَبْتَ. وَلَـٰكِنَّكَ فَعَلْتَ لِيُقَالَ هُوَ جَوَادٌ. فَقَدْ قِيلَ. ثُمَّ أُمِرَ بِهِ فَسُحِبَ عَلَىٰ وَجْهِهِ. ثُمَّ أُلْقِيَ فِي النَّارِ

“Sesungguhnya manusia yang pertama kali diadili pada hari Kiamat (ada tiga); (1) Orang yang mati syahid. Ia didatangkan lalu diperkenalkan nikmat-nikmatnya, maka ia pun mengenalnya. Selanjutnya Allah bertanya, ‘Apa yang engkau perbuat dengan nikmat-nikmat tadi?’ Ia menjawab, ‘Aku berperang di jalan-Mu hingga terbunuh.’ Allah berkata, ‘Engkau dusta! Engkau berperang supaya disebut pemberani, dan itu sudah terealisir. Lalu diperintahkan agar ia diseret atas wajahnya, hingga dilemparkan ke neraka. (2) Orang yang mempelajari ilmu, mengajarkannya, dan membaca al-Qur’ān. Ia didatangkan lalu diperkenalkan nikmat-nikmatnya, maka ia pun mengenalnya. Selanjutnya Allah bertanya, ‘Apa yang engkau perbuat dengan nikmat-nikmat tadi?’ Ia menjawab, ‘Aku mempelajari ilmu di jalan-Mu dan akupun mengajarkannya, serta aku membaca al-Qur’ān di jalan-Mu.’ Allah berkata, ‘Engkau dusta! Engkau belajar supaya disebut `alim, dan itu sudah terealisir. Engkau juga membaca al-Qur’ān supaya disebut dia qāri’ dan hal itu sudah terealisir.’ Lalu diperintahkan agar ia diseret atas wajahnya, hingga dilemparkan ke neraka. (3) Orang yang diberi kelapangan oleh Allah dan diberikan segala jenis harta. Ia didatangkan lalu diperkenalkan nikmat-nikmatnya, maka ia pun mengenalnya. Selanjutnya Allah bertanya, ‘Apa yang engkau perbuat dengan nikmat-nikmat tadi?’ Ia menjawab, ‘Tidaklah ada suatu sarana yang Engkau suka agar diinfakkan di dalamnya melainkan aku berinfak di dalamnya untuk-Mu.’ Allah berkata, ‘Engkau dusta! Engkau melakukannya supaya disebut dermawan, dan hal itu sudah terealisir.’ Lalu diperintahkan agar ia diseret atas wajahnya, hingga dilemparkan ke neraka.” [Riwayat Muslim III/1304/1678.]

Dalam lafazh lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi ` kemudian berkata kepada Abū Hurairah,

يَا أَبَا هُرَيْرَةَ أُولِئَكَ الثَّلاَثَةُ أَوَّلُ خَلْقِ الله تُسَعَّرُ بِهِمْ النَّارُ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ

“Ya Abū Hurairah, tiga orang itulah adalah makhluk Allah yang pertama kali dinyalakan neraka dengan mereka.” [Riwayat at-Tirmidzi dan lain-lain, serta dinyatakan valid oleh Syaikh al-Albāni]

Imam Ibnu’l Qayyim berkata, “Saya mendengar Syaikhu’l Islām Ibn Taimiyyah mengatakan, apabila sebaik-baik manusia adalah para Nabi, maka sejelek-jelek manusia adalah orang yang berusaha menyerupai mereka dari kalangan pendusta. Ia mengaku termasuk kalangan mereka, padahal ia bukan dari kalangan mereka. Sebaik-baik manusia setelah para Nabi adalah para ulama, syuhadā’, dan para penderma yang ikhlas, dan sejelek-jelek manusia adalah orang yang berusaha menyerupai mereka dengan menimbulkan persepsi yang salah bahwa ia termasuk kalangan mereka, padahal sebenarnya bukan dari kalangan mereka.” [Lihat ad-Dā’ wa’d Dawā’ hal. 20.]

Kemudian, jika Anda berdoa langsung kepada Allah tanpa ber-tawassul kepada orang yang telah meninggal, maka seluruh ulama sepakat menilai bahwa hal tersebut sah dan tidak ada yang melarang hal itu. Sedangkan jika Anda berdoa dengan ber-tawassul kepada orang yang telah meninggal, maka sebagian ulama menyatakan bahwa hal itu sebagai bid`ah dan sebagian lain menyatakan sebagai bentuk kesyirikan. Sebagai orang yang berakal, manakah yang Anda pilih? Bukankah selayaknya Anda memilih yang lebih selamat dan yang disepakati kebolehannya oleh seluruh ulama, apalagi jika hal tersebut justru lebih memudahkan?

إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَذِكْرَى لِمَن كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ أَوْ أَلْقَى السَّمْعَ وَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ

“Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat peringatan bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai hati atau yang menggunakan pendengarannya, sedang dia menyaksikannya.” (QS. Qāf: 37)

Semoga ada manfaatnya….


Abū Fāris An-Nūri


Pembahasan kali ini hanyalah terkait dengan sanggahan dan kritik ilmiah atas logika mereka yang menganjurkan tawassul, dan bukan pembahasan terperinci mengenai tawassul. Adapun pembahasan terperinci tersebut maka in syā’a’Llāh akan saya turunkan di lain kesempatan, jika memungkinkan.

USTADZ ……………… ?

Ustadz Salafi?
Posted: April 18, 2008 by Abu Faris in Manhaj, Akhlaq & Dakwah, Salaf, Salafi dan Salafiyyah, Umum

Ada sebagian rekan yang dalam beberapa kesempatan menyebut saya sebagai “Ustadz Salafi“. Penyebutan ini sejatinya menimbulkan persoalan yang cukup dilematis, sehingga saya merasa kurang nyaman dengan penyebutan tersebut. Hal ini tentu bukan karena saya menolak prinsip: “memahami al-Qur’ān dan Sunnah dengan tidak menyimpang dari metodologi (manhaj) Salaf yang shalih”. Bahkan, saya sangat meyakini kebenaran prinsip yang dibangun di atas dalil-dalil yang sangat banyak jumlahnya tersebut (yang rasanya tidak perlu saya sebutkan di sini, karena sudah diketahui bersama).

Secara terminologis, siapapun yang menjalankan prinsip di atas, yakni: siapapun yang ber-Islam dengan tidak menyimpang dari konsensus (ijmā`) dan metodologi (manhaj) Salaf maka ia adalah Salafi. Pada perspektif terminologis ini, maka saya berharap dan berusaha termasuk ke dalam jajaran Salafi. Bahkan, tidak ada pilihan lain bagi siapapun—tanpa terkecuali—untuk menjadi seorang Muslim yang benar kecuali dengan menjadi Salafi. Demikianlah sekiranya mengacu pada definisi terminologis Salafi belaka. Pada tataran ini, mungkin dapat dikatakan bahwa mayoritas kaum Muslim secara umum menerima salafisme—terlepas sejauh mana realisasi mereka terhadap hal itu. Buktinya adalah kecintaan dan penghormatan mereka kepada kaum Salaf yang shalih sebagai generasi terbaik umat Islam yang patut diteladani.

Lantas, mengapa saya kurang nyaman dan berkeberatan untuk disebut sebagai “Ustadz Salafi”? Hal ini disebabkan alasan-alasan berikut:

Alasan pertama, saya merasa belum pantas menyandang gelar “ustadz”. Penyebutan itu rasanya menjadi beban berat untuk dipikul. Secara terminologis akademisi, ustadz berarti profesor. Dalam pengertian yang lebih general, ustadz artinya adalah guru. Kedua pengertian tersebut—baik yang sempit maupun luas—tidak tepat untuk ditujukan kepada saya. Saya bukan profesor, dan juga bukan guru. Saya bahkan hanyalah seorang pembelajar pemula pada berbagai guru kehidupan.

Alasan kedua, penyebutan “ustadz” tersebut ditambahi dengan kata “salafi” di ujungnya. Hal ini menambah lagi beban sebelumnya. Penyebutan “Ustadz Salafi” dalam benak banyak kalangan menimbulkan kesan ustadz yang shalih secara eksoterik dengan penampilan religius: celana di atas mata kaki, jenggot minimal segenggaman tangan dan berbagai ciri religius secara lahir lainnya, di samping pada umumnya memiliki kompetensi ilmiah yang memadai khususnya dalam bidang hadits dan atsar. Nah, adapun saya, di samping tingkat keilmuan saya yang masih rendah, ciri-ciri religius secara lahir sebagaimana di atas pun tidak melekat dalam diri saya.

Konotasi istilah salafi dalam gambaran sebagian besar masyarakat mengalami deviasi dan penyempitan dibandingkan definisi terminologisnya—bahkan hal ini juga terjadi pada persepsi kalangan internal orang-orang yang mengklaim sebagai Salafi itu sendiri. Terjadi gap yang cukup besar antara das sein (realitas faktual) dan das sollen. Kata salafi mengindikasikan suatu jamaah/kelompok/individu dengan ciri-ciri dan parameter yang lebih spesifik, sebagaimana yang sudah disebutkan di atas, ditambah lagi dengan sikap intoleran, puritan, revivalis, meremehkan pihak lain, mudah membid`ahkan, mudah memvonis sesat pihak lain, anti islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan, konservatif, dan lain-lain. Ini adalah realitas persepsi sebagian besar masyarakat terhadap istilah salafi yang sulit dipungkiri. Secara jujur pun seharusnya diakui bahwa salah satu penyebab utama hal tersebut adalah praktik-praktik yang kebablasan dari sebagian kalangan yang mengaku Salafi itu sendiri. Memang ada dari kalangan internal yang bersikap objektif dan melakukan purifikasi Salafi sebagaimana definisi terminologisnya, namun dapat dikatakan jumlahnya tidak dominan.

Permasalahan menjadi more complicated, karena terdapat berbagai komunitas yang mengklaim sebagai Salafi namun ternyata satu sama lain saling baku hantam dan saling memberikan gelar yang melecehkan, semisal “Surūri“, “Turātsi“, “Hizbi“, “Haddādi“, “Quthbi” dan lain-lain. Dengan gelar-gelar tersebut, komunitas yang satu memvonis komunitas yang lain sebagai salaf i (salafi imitasi), Salafi yang menyimpang, bukan Salafi yang benar. Masing-masing merasa memiliki otoritas untuk mengeluarkan pihak lain dari jajaran Salafi, kemudian mengeluarkan berbagai macam argumen untuk menguatkan pendapatnya (baca: vonisnya) tersebut. Kalangan internal yang bersikap objektif dan berusaha melakukan perbaikan (ishlāh) serta purifikasi Salafi sebagaimana definisi terminologisnya pun pada umumnya dimusuhi dan divonis menyimpang.

Saya tidak sedang mengingkari implementasi prinsip nahy munkar, jarh wa ta`dīl, atau vonis yang sesuai porsi dan tempatnya, di mana dengan hal tersebut otentisitas ajaran Islam menjadi terjaga. Namun, pada kenyataannya, di kalangan sebagian Salafi, hal-hal tersebut tidak jarang digunakan secara kebablasan, serampangan dan over dosis, sehingga bukannya mengobati tapi malah meracuni.

Dari paparan di atas tampak bahwa tindakan mengeluarkan orang lain dari kancah ‘persalafian’ merupakan hal yang lumrah terjadi, bahkan di kalangan internal para pengklaim Salafi itu sendiri. Karena itu, jika ada yang menyatakan saya sebagai Salafi maka kemungkinan akan muncul orang-orang yang tidak menyetujuinya. Memang seharusnya saya tidak perlu merisaukan hal ini, karena tidak layak kiranya keridhaan manusia dijadikan acuan dan tujuan. Saya pernah berkata kepada seorang kawan, “Saya menjadi Salafi (mengikuti kajian salafi) itu bukan karena siapa-siapa, namun karena mencari kebenaran. Karena itu, jika sekarang ada yang mengeluarkan saya dari salafi karena memegang apa yang saya yakini sebagai kebenaran, maka tidak jadi masalah. Jika ada pihak tertentu yang merasa memiliki ‘perusahaan salafi’ dan kemudian merasa punya otoritas untuk mengeluarkan saya maka itu adalah urusannya.” Dan, memang pada kenyataannya saya tidak menisbatkan diri atau berafiliasi (intimā’) kepada suatu kelompok pun, tidak kepada IM (al-Ikhwān al-Muslimūn), tidak kepada HT (Hizb at-Tahrīr), tidak kepada JT (Jamā`ah at-Tablīgh), dan tidak pula kepada kelompok Salafi (dalam pengertian sempit sebagaimana paparan di atas). Saya meyakini kewajiban ber-Islam dengan tidak menyelisihi konsensus Salaf. Namun untuk berafiliasi dan loyal kepada yang disebut sebagai Salafi pada zaman ini, maka kedua perkara tersebut merupakan dua hal yang berbeda, menurut pandangan saya.

Sampai saat ini saya memegang dan meyakini sepenuhnya kebenaran ucapan Syaikh Ibn `Utsaimīn, sebagaimana yang pernah saya kutip pada tulisan sebelumnya:

إذا كثرت الأحزاب في الأمة فلا تنتم إلى حزب، فقد ظهرت طوائف من قديم الزمان مثل الخوارج والمعتزلة والجهمية والرافضة، ثم ظهرت أخيراً إخوانيون وسلفيون وتبليغيون وما أشبه ذلك، فكل هذه الفرق اجعلها على اليسار وعليك بالإمام وهو ما أرشد إليه النبي – صلى الله عليه وسلم – في قوله: [عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين].

ولا شك أن الواجب على جميع المسلمين أن يكون مذهبهم مذهب السلف لا الانتماء إلى حزب معين يسمى السلفيين.

والواجب أن تكون الأمة الإسلامية مذهبها مذهب السلف الصالح لا التحزب إلى ما يسمى (السلفيون) فهناك طريق السلف وهناك حزب يسمى (السلفيون) والمطلوب اتباع السلف.

“Jika kelompok-kelompok (ahzāb) dalam tubuh umat Islam menjadi banyak jumlahnya, maka janganlah engkau berafiliasi (intimā’) kepada suatu kelompok pun. Pada zaman dahulu juga sudah terdapat berbagai macam kelompok, semisal Khawārij, Mu`tazilah, Jahmiyyah dan Rāfidhah. Kemudian akhir-akhir ini muncul (kelompok) yang disebut Ikhwāniyyūn (Ikhwāni), Salafiyyūn (Salafi), Tablīghiyyūn (Tablīghi) dan yang semisalnya.

“Jadikanlah seluruh kelompok tersebut berada pada sisi kiri, dan menjadi keharusan bagimu untuk mengikuti imām, yakni apa-apa yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi—shallā’Llāhu `alaihi wa sallam—melalui sabda beliau,

عَلَيْكُمْ بِسُنَّتِيْ وَسُنَّةِ الْخُلَفَاءِ الرَّاشِدِيْنَ

“Menjadi keharusan bagi kalian untuk berpegang teguh terhadap sunnahku dan sunnah para khalifah yang mendapat petunjuk.”

“Tidak diragukan bahwa merupakan kewajiban seluruh kaum muslimin untuk bermadzhab dengan madzhab Salaf, dan bukan berafiliasi (intimā’) kepada kelompok (hizb) tertentu yang disebut Salafiyyīn (Salafi). (Sekali lagi ditegaskan) bahwa menjadi kewajiban umat Islam untuk bermadzhab dengan madzhab Salaf yang shalih, dan bukan sikap sektarianisme (tahazzub) kepada apa yang dinamakan Salafiyyūn (Salafi). Sebab, di sana ada jalan Salaf dan di sana ada pula kelompok (hizb) yang bernama Salafiyyūn (Salafi). Dan yang dituntut (atas diri seorang muslim) adalah mengikuti/meneladani jalan Salaf.” [Sekian kutipan dari beliau dalam Syarh al-Arba`īn an-Nawawiyyah, penjelasan hadits ke-28.]

Saya dapat dikatakan mulai aktif mengikuti pengajian salafi pada tahun 1998, yaitu ketika awal-awal kuliah di IPB. Rentang waktu yang bisa dikatakan tidak singkat. Sikap saya di masa awal-awal aktif mengikuti pengajian adalah intoleran terhadap perbedaan pendapat (dalam perkara yang masih memungkinkan perbedaan di dalamnya) dan mudah memvonis orang lain. Mungkin karena ghīrah (semangat) yang tinggi tanpa dibarengi kebijaksanaan dan wawasan yang mumpuni. Sikap serupa juga banyak didapati pada sejumlah kalangan yang mengklaim sebagai Salafi. Sikap yang pada saat ini ingin saya tinggalkan, seiring pertambahan umur, interaksi dan penelaahan saya terhadap berbagai macam literatur keislaman, dari berbagai sudut pandang yang berbeda-beda.

Masalahnya memang cukup dilematis. Jika saya menolak disebut Salafi, maka oleh sebagian kalangan bisa jadi saya dinilai menolak madzhab Salaf—padahal tentu ini sama sekali bukanlah yang saya maksud. Namun jika penyebutan tersebut diterima—baik secara sukarela maupun terpaksa—maka dalam benak masyarakat pada umumnya, bahkan di kalangan internal sebagian Salafi itu sendiri, konotasinya adalah Salafi dengan pemaknaan sempit yang menunjuk kelompok tertentu.

Mungkin ada yang mengatakan bahwa penisbatan merupakan keharusan dalam hal identifikasi. Mau tidak mau pasti terjadi. Terkait hal ini, kalau saya boleh memilih untuk diri saya, maka saya lebih menyukai sebutan yang terasa lebih netral dibandingkan Salafi, yaitu Ahlu’s Sunnah (Sunni). Meski sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh ulama, bahwa tidak ada perbedaan substansial antara Ahlu’s Sunnah dan Salafi, bahkan pada hakekatnya keduanya merupakan sinonim, ditinjau dari sisi hakikat pemaknaan terminologis, namun secara konotasi memberi kesan yang berbeda. Ahlu’s Sunnah terasa lebih umum dibanding Salafi dalam persepsi kebanyakan masyarakat, bahkan menurut persepsi sebagian Salafi itu sendiri.

Mungkin ada yang berkata, “Menggunakan sebutan Ahlu’s Sunnah hanyalah menyisakan pertanyaan lanjutan: Ahlu’s Sunnah yang mana? Bukankah banyak sekali kelompok yang mengaku sebagai Ahlu’s Sunnah?”

Pertanyaan semacam ini justru menguatkan tesis bahwa konotasi Salafi memang mengalami penyempitan makna. Sebab seharusnya Ahlu’s Sunnah dan Salafi merupakan dua hal yang benar-benar sama. Di samping itu, taruhlah benar bahwa yang ideal adalah penisbatan diri sebagai Salafi, toh tetap saja masih menyisakan pertanyaan lanjutan: “Salafi yang mana?” Sebab, pada kenyataannya berbagai kelompok yang mengklaim sebagai Salafi saling vonis dan menyalahkan satu sama lain.

Pada akhirnya, toh yang paling urgen serta kruisal adalah kenyataan dan bukan pengakuan. Tidak ada gunanya seseorang mengaku sebagai orang baik, misalnya, kalau kenyataannya ia bukan orang yang baik. Tidak ada gunanya orang mengaku sebagai dermawan, apabila ia ternyata orang yang kikir. Tidak penting pengakuan sebagai orang baik atau dermawan, yang paling penting adalah kebaikan atau kedermawanan itu sendiri. Begitu pula dalam hal ini, tidak ada gunanya mengaku Salafi apabila ternyata yang bersangkutan justru menyelisihi manhaj Salaf. Seorang penyair berkata:

وَكُلٌّ يَدَّعِيْ وَصْلاً بِلَيْلَى

وَلَيْلَى لاَ تُقِرُّ لَهُمْ بِذَاك

Dan tiap orang mengaku punya hubungan dengan Laila

Sementara Laila tidak mengakuinya

Dalam hal ini ada kaidah yang berbunyi:

الْعِبْرَة بِالْحَقَائِق وَالْمَعَانِي لاَ بِالْأَلْفَاظِ وَالْمَبَانِي

“Yang menjadi patokan itu adalah hakikat serta makna (values), dan bukan lafal atau bentuk.”

Dengan demikian, yang penting itu bukanlah klaim penisbatan diri sebagai Salafi, namun yang penting itu adalah bagaimana seorang Muslim itu meneladani dan tidak menyimpang dari metodologi (manhaj) Salaf yang shalih.

Saya tutup pembahasan ini dengan doa iftitāh yang ma’tsūr dari Nabi—shalla’Llāhu `alaihi wa sallam:

اللّهُمَّ رَبَّ جِبْرَائِيْلَ وَمِيْكَائِيْلَ وَإِسْرَافِيْلَ فَاطِرَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ عَالِمَ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ أَنْتَ تَحْكُمُ بَيْنَ عِبَادِكَ فِيْمَا كَانُوْا فِيْهِ يَخْتَلِفُوْنَ اهْدِنِي لِمَا اخْتُلِفَ فِيْهِ مِنَ الْحَقِّ بِإِذْنِكَ إِنَّكَ تَهْدِيْ مَنْ تَشَاءُ إِلَى صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِيْم

“Ya Allāh, Rabb Jibrā’īl, Mīkā’īl dan Isrāfīl, Pencipta langit dan bumi, yang Maha Mengetahui apa yang tampak dan tersembunyi, Engkau menghukumi di antara para hamba-Mu terhadap apa yang mereka perselisihkan. Berikanlah petunjuk kepadaku atas hal-hal yang diperselisihkan dari kebenaran. Sesungguhnya Engkau menunjuki siapapun yang Engkau kehendaki kepada jalan yang lurus.” [Riwayat Muslim, Abū Dāwūd, at-Tirmidzi, Ibn Mājah dan lain-lain.]

Wa`Llāhu a`lam bish shawāb….

Jakarta, April 2008

Adni Abū Fāris an-Nūri




(SKL NO. 6)


Descriptive Text merupakan salah satu “genre” text yang muncul dalam UN, SKL no 6.

Descriptive Text adalah text yang medeskripsikan, menggambarkan tentang seseorang, sesuatu benda, atau suatu tempat tertentu.

(To describe persons, things, places in particular/certain/specific).

Yang digambarkan dalam teks tersebut meliputi :ciri fisik, tingkah laku, sifat-sifat, kemampuan, tempat tinggal, dan sebagainya.

Text Descriptive termasuk kelompok “Genre Text” karena text tersebut mempunyai bagian-bagian text tertentu, yang terbagi dalam beberapa paragraph.

Text ini menggunakan “Simple present tense”, sehingga ciri-ciri text ini menggunakan:

–          V1(infinitive) /Don’t untuk “I”,”You”, “We”, “They” atau jika S (pelaku) berjumlah jamak/lebih dari satu.

–          Vs/doesn’t untuk “He”, “She”, “It”, atau jika S/pelaku tunggal.

–          Tobe yang digunakan juga harus “To be” present yaitu “is, am, are”.

–          Modal yang digunakan harus dalam bentuk “present’, yaitu; can, may, must/have to, will/shall.

Generic Structure (bagian text) dalam text descriptive adalah:

  1. Identification: Terletak pada paragraph awal, atau kalimat pertama di paragraph awal.

Fungsi dari Identification adalah menunjuk benda, orang atau tempat yang  akan dideskripsikan/digambarkan. Sehingga gambaran bendanya khusus ditujukan pada benda yang sudah ditunjuk tersebut. Contoh:

This is my house. It is located on Jl Mataram no 34 Banyumas.


Benda yang akan digambarkan “hanya” sebatas “rumahku”.

Function of dentification:

– To introduce main idea

– To identify the subject

– To tell what the topic of the text is.

  1. Descriptions: Gambaran dari benda yang sudah ditunjuk tersebut.

Yang digambarkan adalah:

–          Appearance/performance: Tampang/penampilan

–          Physical features: ciri-ciri fisik

–          Behavior/habit: kebiasaan/tingkah laku

–          Ability: Kemampuan

–          Food : makanan

–          Specific features: cirri khusus

–          The danger: Bahaya

–          The advantages: Keuntungan

–          The use: kegunaan

–          Size: ukuran, etc

Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dalam UN :

  1. Pertanyaan tersirat:

–          What is the best title of the text?

–          What is the main idea of the text?

–          What is the main idea of the first paragraph/second paragraph?

–          Paragraph three talks about……..

–          Which paragraph tells us the appearance of “Bear”?

–          What is the function/the purpose of the text?

–          Paragraph one has the function to…..

  1. Pertanyaan tersurat:

( Pertanyaan ini menayakan What, Why, Where, When, How, Which, Whose dsb yang berhubungan dengan isi text)

–          Where does it happen?

–          What is Mr. Partono?

–          How does she manage her time?

  1. Reference: Menanyakan “pronoun”.

–          The word “this” refers to…..

–          What does the word “ These” refer to?

–          The word “them” refers to…..

  1. D. Vocabularies: Kosa-kata.

–          What is the similar meaning of the word”….”?

–          What is the opposite meaning of…….

–          The synonym of the word “….” is……

–          The antonym of the word “…” is……


The Mightiest Archipelago

The Indonesian archipelago is by far the world’s largest group of 13.667 islands which stretches across 5,120 km (3,200 miles) of tropical seas like a string of emeralds. When superimposed on a map of North America, Indonesia stretches from Oregon all the way to Bermuda. On a map of Europe, the archipelago extends from Ireland past the Caspian Sea. More than 200 million people inhabit this archipelago.

Known to anthropologists and naturalists as The Malay equatorial line”, the equatorial line is an imaginary line dividing the earth into two parts from east to west in the tropical zone. This makes

Indonesia have two seasons, the wet and dry season. Because of its location many kinds of flora and fauna live here. According to the astronomical location, Indonesia lies between 6° North Latitude and 11° South Latitude and between y5° East Longitude and 141° East Longitude.

  1. Where is Oregon?

A.  In Europe                   C.   In Indonesia

B.   In America                D.  On the equator

  1. What is paragraph one about?

A.  The length of Indonesia

B.   The Indonesia’s product

C.   The size of Indonesia

D.  The Indonesia’s people

  1. Indonesia is rich of flora and fauna because …

A.  of its seasons

B.   it lies in the tropical zone

C.   it lies on 6° North latitude

D.  it is exactly in the middle of the earth

  1. Which statement is suitable with the text?

A.  Longitude is an imaginary line that parallel with the equatorial line

B.   Indonesia is called The Malay Archipelago by Indonesians.

C.   The area of the equatorial line is also called the tropical zone

D.  Indonesia is inhabited by 200 million people

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 14,15,16,17)


1. B


2. A.


3. B


4. C


Our school is on Jalan Sudirman. It has eighteen classrooms, two laboratories, library, one headmaster’s room, one teachers’ room, one staff room, one music room, computer’s room, and one canteen. We always hold a flag ceremony in our school yard: school yard is not so big, that’s why if we have PE lesson, we practice at the field beside school.

  1. Where do they always hold a flag ceremony?

A.  In the room                C.   Beside their school

B.   At the field                 D.  In their school yard

  1. The students don’t practice their PE lesson at the school yard because it is …

A.  big                             C.   wide

B.   long                           D.  small

  1. We always hold a flag ceremony….” (line 3)

What does the underlined word refer to?

A.  The writer and his teachers

B.   All the teachers of the school

C.   The students in the writer’s class

D.  The writer and his schoolmates

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 22,23,24)


5. D


6. D


7. D


Elizabeth II, born on April 21, 1926, is the eldest daughter of George V1 and Elizabeth bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947; the pair has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situations and trends is up to date. She possesses a sense of humour rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal.

  1. The text is about …

A.  Charles                      C.   Elizabeth II

B.   Andrew                     D.  Prince Mounthatten

  1. Elizabeth II was… years old in 2007…

A.  80                              C.   90

B.   81                              D.  91

  1. Anne is one of the…of George VI.

A.  sons                           C.   grandsons

B.   daughters                   D.  granddaughters

  1. ‘She possesses a sense of humour rarely exhibited.

The underlined word means…

A.  hidden                        C.   found

B.   shown                        D.  given

(UNAS 20087/2008 PAKET 15 soal no 10,11,12,13)


8. C


9. B


10. D


11. B


One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park. It is located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong. The bird park is about twelve kilometers from the centre of the city, and it’s easy to get there by bus or by taxi.

It is one of the largest bird park in the world. The birds are kept in large cages, and there are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, including penguins, parrots, eagles and ostriches. There is a large lake in the park, with a restaurant beside it, and there is also a very large cage which you can walk inside to get closer looking at the birds.

It takes about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on the bus. The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late afternoon, when it is cooler.

12. When is the best time to visit the bird park?

A. Early in the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. Late at night.

D. At midnight.

13. It is located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong. (paragraph 1)

The underlined ward is closest in meaning with ….

  1. included
  2. situated
  3. kept
  4. rebuilt

(UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 3,4)


12. A


13. B


Read the text and answer questions 14 to l6.

San Francisco is my favorite city in the United States. It is beautiful, clean, not too big, and it has something for everybody. I love the streets and buildings in San Francisco. The streets wind up and down the hills, with beautiful old brick and wooden houses on either side.

One of my favorite things to do in San Francisco is to ride the cable car. It takes you to most parts of the city. It’s not a very comfortable ride, but it’s exciting and the views you get from the car are wonderful.

I like the weather in San Francisco. It never gets too cold or too hot. The summers are pleasant. The fresh breezes blow off the ocean and the sky is always blue. It rains quite a lot in the winter, but it never gets very cold.

Another thing I enjoy about the city is the restaurants. The seafood restaurant with crabs and lobster are my favorites. You can also get great Chinese, Japanese, American, and European food in San Francisco.

14. The text is about San Francisco which …

A.  is a tourists destination

B.   has a bad weather

C.   is the writer’s favourite city in USA

D.  has a comfortable transportation

15. ‘From the text above we know that the streets in San Francisco are not …

A.  straight                      C.   long

B.   wide                          D.  narrow

16. “But it’s exciting and the views you get from the car are wonderful.”

The synonym of the underlined word is ….

A.  facilities                     C.   service

B.   scenery                      D.  focus

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 8-10)








Read the text and answer questions 17 to 20.

Indonesia consists of different ethnic groups, languages, cultures and traditions. The 17,000 islands forming the world’s largest archipelago chain is the home to more than 200 million people descended from over 200 different ethnic groups. There are over 350 diffcrent languages spoken. Bahasa Indonesia, the national language., seems to be a second language and not their mother tongue. It is spoken as the first language only in the provinces of West Sumatra and the Riau Islands.

Though Bahasa Indonesia is derived from I3ahasa Melayu, there are some differences ill meaning and pronunciation. Recently, there is a move to make Bahasa Indonesia (and Bahasa Melayu) accepted as one of the official Languages of the .Association of South East Asian Countries. This would give great significance to Bahasa Indonesia and make the learning of it more useful for the use not only in Indonesia but also in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

17. How many ethnic groups does Indonesia ‘have?

A.  About 350                  C.   Less than 200

B.   More than 200            D.  Around 170

18. Paragraph 1 tells us about Indonesia as … that consists of different ethnic groups,

languages, cultures and traditions.

A.  an archipelago            C.   a population

B.   a mother tongue         D.  a chain

19. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the Indonesian language?…

A.  There is a move to make it as one of the official languages of Asean

B.   It is the national language of Indonesia

C.   It is the mother tongue of all Indonesian people

D.  It is derived from the Malay language

20. The Indonesian language becomes the second language for many ethnic groups

because …

A.  they have their own mother tongues

B.   they think their languages are not good

C.   they want their own languages to be a national language

D.  the Indonesian language has been used by other countries

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 14-17)










Read the following text and answer questions 21 to 23.

The students usually go to the library during the break. There are a lot of books; magazines, newspapers, novels, fables, and short stories.

The students should have a member card to borrow books. They can borrow the books at the same time for three days. If they return the book late, they will be fined Rp100,00 for each book. There is a notice in the library stating `Keep Silence’. It means they must not make a noise in the library. Much noise will disturb other students who are reading.

When students want to borrow books from the school library, they may go to the bookshelves to choose the books. They can find them easily because they are arranged well. The librarian will also help the students find the books.

21. How long can a student borrow a book?

A.  Two days                   C.   Four days

B.   Three days                 D.  A week

22. Nina borrowed two books. She returned them after a week. How much will she be fined?

A.  One hundred              C.   Four hundred

B.   Two hundred              D.  Seven hundred

23. “… because they are arranged well.”

(Paragraph 3) What does the word “they” refer to?

A.  The students              C.   The books

B.   the librarians              D.  The book shelves

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 22-24)










Text for no 1-3

My School

My school, SMP Bina Nusa, is at Gejayan village close to the northern outer ring road of Sleman Regency.

My school is big. It has 18 clean classrooms, ten clean toilets, four laboratories, a big library, a teacher room, a staff room, and a headmaster room. It has a beautiful school park in the centre of the school.

The computer room is next to the library and  the sports hall is behind the classrooms next to the biology laboratory. There is a large school canteen beside the sports hall.

There are notice boards in every classroom. There is also a beautiful mosque in front of he sports hall.

The most interesting place is the language laboratory in which I can study various skills of several languages. It uses some computerized learning software to guide the students in studying the languages.

1. What is the text about?

A. The location of the writer’s school

B. The classrooms at the writer’s school

C. The description of the writer’s school

D. The description of the writer’s laboratory

2. Where does the writer like to study English?

A. In the classroom

B. In the school library

C. In front of the sports hall

D. In the language laboratory

3 “ at Gejayan village close to the northern outer

ring road (par. 1). The synonym  of the

underlined word is …

A. far from

B. behind

C. next to

D. near

Text for no 4-7

Low Rider Bicycle

May be you are wondering what a low rider bicycle is? It’s not a car or a motorbike but it’s actually a bicycle.

What is so special about these low rider bikes? They are a type of modified bicycle originally from America. They became popular in Indonesia in 2004 and became less popular in the late 2008. “Superman is Dead” popularized the bikes in their music video clip. There is an unusual gap between the saddle and the handlebars. The bikes have a colourful design and unusual accessories.

There are three different types : The Low Rider, small, quite low to the ground. The Cruiser which is little bit higher then the Low Rider and the Chopper which has high handle bars.

These low rider bikes are good for leisure cycling but not for a long distance cycling. That’s why old people do not like such a kind of bicycle. They feel more comfortable riding usual bikes.

4. What makes the low rider bikes special?

A. There is unusual gap between the

saddle and the handle bars.

B. They are from America and became

popular in Indonesia in 2006

C. The bikes are comfortable for long

distance cycling

D. The bikes are like usual bikes in


5. What does paragraph 2 mostly tell about?

A. The accessories of the low rider bikes.

B. The specific features of the low rider


C. The suitable usage of the low rider


D. The origin of the low rider bicycles.

6. Why don’t old people like the low rider bicycle?

Because ….

A.  It was not comfortable              ,

B. It was too difficult to ride on

C. It was only suitable for sight seeing

D. It was not good for long distance


7. Why did the writer write such a kind of text?

A. To tell past events in popularizing the

specific bicycles.

B. To introduce the modified bicycles by

describing their features.

C. To tell the ways how to use a low rider


D. To amuse the readers by describing


Text for no 8-11

My Uncle Martono is my mother’s elder brother. He is my favorite among my mother’s brothers. He is a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with my Aunt Angela and my cousins Anna and Boby.

He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good looking. He is tall and well – built. He has black eyes and strong face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off when he doesn’t work.

Uncle Martono is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines.

At present, he is in West Sumatra. He is visiting the firm’s customers there. He is very fond of the sea. He has boat at the seaside. He goes there every last weekend to sail it.

I sometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When Uncle Martono is at home he usually takes us out in the boat.

8. The text is about ….

A. uncle Martono

B. the writer’s family

C. the writer’s uncles

D. uncle Martono’s activity

9. What is uncle Martono’s hair like?

A. long

B. strong

C. grey

D. interesting

10. How many times does uncle Martono go to the

sea side a year?

A. Four times

B. Twelve times

C. Eight times

D. Forty-eight times

11. “He is a very interesting man”. The antonym

of the underlined word is ….

A. boring

B. annoying

C. charming

D. challenging

Text for no 12-15

One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is the bird park. It is located in the industrial area of Singapore, called Jurong. The bird park is about twelve kilometers from the centre of the city, and it’s easy to get there by bus or by taxi.

It is one of the largest bird park in the world. The birds are kept in large cages, and there are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, including penguins, parrots, eagles and ostriches. There is a large lake in the park, with a restaurant beside it, and there is also a very large cage which you can walk inside to get closer looking at the birds.

It takes about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on the bus. The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late afternoon, when it is cooler.

12. When is the best time to visit the bird park?

A. Early in the morning.

B. In the afternoon.

C. Late at night.

D. At midnight.

13. It is located in the industrial area of

Singapore, called Jurong. (paragraph 1)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to.

  1. included
  2. situated
  3. kept
  4. rebuilt

14. Which statement is true about the text?

A. Jurong is the largest bird park in the world

B. Jurong is the most interesting place to visit

in Singapore

C. Jurong is exactly 12 kilometers from the

centre of the City

D. Jurong is about twelve hours driving a taxi

from the centre of the City

15. “You can walk around the park…” (Last

paragraph). The word “you” refers to….

A. quests

B. hosts

C. readers

D. visitors

Text for no 16-19

PETE SAMPRAS: He has got an oval face and thick eyebrows. He is dark. His hair is curly. He likes tennis, It’s challenging.

LEONARDO DICAPPRIO: He has got an oval face. He has fair skin. He has got quite small eyes and a small nose. He has got thick hair and it’s short. Tennis helps him get money.

VENUS WILLIAM: He has got a round face. She has got curly hair, which she wears tied back.

16. Why does Leonardo play tennis?

A.  He earns money from the sport.

  1. People give him a lot of money.
  2. It is the only sport he can do.
  3. He is good at raising money.

17.  Which is true according to the text?

A. Leonardo’s eyes are rather big.

B. William’s face isn’t round.

C. It is the only sport he can do.

D. He is good at raising money.

18. “He has got thick hair and it’s short”. The word

it refers to…..

A. skin.

B. nose

C. hair.

D. money.

19. The purpose of writing the text is….

A. to introduce some one to the reader




and VENUS WILLIAM to join the tennis



VENUS WILLIAM get some money.

Text for no 20-23

Recognized as the largest amusement park in Jakarta, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol or Ancol Dreamland provides all classes and kinds of entertainment. Ancol is especially designed for family recreation. This place, located at Jalan Lodan Timur 7 in North Jakarta, houses a water park, theme park (Dunia Fantasi or Fantasy Land), an art market, oceanarium, and Sea World.

The park was built on reclaimed land. The beach close to the park is not recommended for swimming, but is a good place to stroll and relax. Stalls along the beach serve drinks and snacks while shelters are available for sunbathers to take a break from the sun.

Ancol is also a gateway for island trips to Kepulauan Seribu (Thousand Islands). Hundreds of private boats moor every day at the Marina. The Marina is a good spot for marine recreation and sports with lots of facilities, such as paddle boats, canoes, sailing boats, and fishing gear.

20. What is the text about?

  1. Jakarta.

B.  Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

  1. Kepulauan Seribu.
  2. The Marina.

21. What does the word “houses” in “ … houses a

water park … “ mean?

A. offers

B. builds

C. sells

D. serves

22. Sunbathers stop sunbathing for a while at …

A. the parks

B. the stalls

C. the shelters

D. an art market

23. What is the last paragraph about?

A .The Marina, Ancol.

B. The Marina, Kepulauan Seribu.

C. Kepulauan Seribu, Ancol.

D. Ancol, Jakarta.

Text for no 24-25

Iam an SMP student. My name is rafika. I have one sister and three brothers. My sister’s name is Susiana. I call her Susi. My brother’s name are Gani, Bintang and Raka. My father’s name is Habibudin and my mother’s name is Luthfiana. I live with my family at Brigjen Katamso street no. 34 Jkt.

I am twelve years old. My sister is ten years old. Gani is seven years, Bintang is thirteen years and Raka, my eldest brother is two years older than Bintang. My father is forty seven and my mother is thirty eight. We are a good family.

24. What is the text about?

A. Rini’s address

B. Rini’s school

C. Rini’s family

D. Rini’s age

25. How many children do Rini’s parents have?

A. 6

B. 5

C. 4

D. 3


Text for no 1-5

My name is Alisa. I have a sister. Her name is Ana. I have two brothers, Joe and Phill. We have all black hair and blue eyes, and we are all slim except Joe. He is very fat. Ana is very pretty, and she has a lot of boyfriends.  I have only one boy friend, his name is Kevin and he is very nice.

I look a bit fat like my father. I have his long nose and big moth but I have my mother’s personality. Joe and Phill both are like mom.

We have two uncles and an aunt. Uncle William and Aunty Agnes have three young children. Uncle Edward is only thirteen He is still a boy.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

  1. To tell about Alisa
  2. To retell past events
  3. To inform someone’s family
  4. To describe someone’s family.
  1. The best title for the text is…..
    1. Family’s personality
    2. Alisa’s family
    3. Alisa’s siblings
    4. The number of Alisa’s family
  1. We have all black hair and blue eyes….

The word “We” refers to…

  1. Alisa
  2. Ana, Joe and phill.
  3. Alisa, Ana, Joe and Phill
  4. Alisa and her sister
  1. “And we are all except Joe, he is fat”

The underlined word has similar meaning to…

  1. But
  2. Although
  3. Because
  4. When
  1. What do you know about uncle Edward?
    1. He has three children
    2. He may still study
    3. He has got married
    4. He is bit fat like my father.

Text for no 6-10

One of the most interesting carnivorous plants is the Venus Flytrap. The Venus Flytrap has hinged leaves that open and shut. The leaves look like jaw when they are open. The ends of the leaves have short, stiff hairs on them. Inside the leaves is a sweet –smelling nectar insect to drink. They are attracted by the nice smell. The plant waits patiently while the insect moves toward it. When it touches the hairs on the leaves, the leaves snap shut in less than a second, trapping the insect inside. It doesn’t close all the way at first, allowing very small insect to escape.

Digestive juices dissolve the soft parts of the insect. About a week later, all that is left of the poor insect is the hard outer part. The leaves open and what is left blow away in the wind or washes away in the rain. A pair of flytrap leaves die after about four meals. If an object that isn’t food lands in the trap, the plant doesn’t like that. It will open it up in about 12 hours and “spit” it out.

  1. What does the text mainly  talk about….
    1. A scary plant
    2. A meat eater plant
    3. A frightful insect plant
    4. A dangerous scary plant
  1. The following statements are true according to the text. Except….
    1. The plants only react to insect
    2. The plant will get let small insects free.
    3. A flytrap is a name of carnivorous plant.
    4. Carnivorous plants grow in less fertile soil.
  1. The word “dissolve” in the text refers t…..
    1. Grin to powder
    2. Comes liquid through heating
    3. Soak the liquid becomes liquid.
    4. Make liquid as the result of great heat.
  1. How does the plant catch its prey?
    1. By spreading sweet-smelling nectar
    2. By opening its leaves and shutting them quickly
    3. By trapping the insect inside the leaves
    4. By snapping shut the insect with its prey.
  1. The word “quickly” has opposite meaning as..
    1. Gently
    2. Rapidly
    3. Swiftly
    4. Shortly

Text for no 11-12

I have a new member in my family. It is a cat. I call it “Ginger”

Ginger has soft white fur and likes to click its paws. It is also very curious and likes to explore its new surroundings. It seems to like milk and fish a lot and waits eagerly as I prepare its meal. Besides, the cat that my father took from the road is very important for me. It gives me some lessons about ‘cat talk’. When it is near me it always purrs. This expresses its friendship with me. When I do my homework it often bumps its head with mine. I know this is the way to say hello. When it is curious, it sticks its whiskers straight out and twitches with excitement. Sometimes it approaches something carefully with ears pricked forward. This shows its alert. When it stalks a bird under the banyan tree beside my house, it waves its tail. This shows that it is trying to make up its mind whether to creep or pounce. As soon as it has made up its mind the waving usually stops.

Of course, I sometimes get angry with Ginger. When it feels threatened it hisses and spits. It thrashes its tail and shows its fangs. Its ears lie flat and its eyes dilate.

Ginger seems to like me a lot. I know this because it always follows me wherever I go. I thank God for giving me such nice cat.

11. The purpose of the text is …

A.  to inform the characteristics of Ginger

B.   to describe about the writer’s cat named Ginger

C.   to tell how funny the writer’s pet is

D.  to retell the writer’s experience with Ginger

12. Which one of the following statements is correct? …

A.  The writer’s father got the cat from his friend

B.   The cat loves the writer very much

C.   The cat shows its friendship by pricking its ear

D.  The cat always waves its tail to show its curiosity

Text 13-15

Kakadu National Park is on the World Heritage List.

The name Kakadu are derived from an Aboriginal Food plain language called Gaguju. Thin language is no longer regularly spoken, descendant of this language group is still living in Kakadu.

Kakadu National Park is one of the few sites in the world included for both outstanding cultural and natural attractions. The park is located in the tropical north of Australia, 120 kilometers east of Darwin. It covers a total area of 19,804 square km.

Kakadu contains features of great natural beauty and sweeping landscapes. It most outstanding landforms includes extensive wetlands and spectacular “wall of rocks”. The park contains a wide range of flora and fauna. During the wet season, rivers and creeks flood and spread out over the broad floodplains to form vast wetlands, where ducks, geese and wading birds abound.

The rich natural recourses of Kakadu have been enjoyed and used by indigenous people for least 25,000 years. The park is extremely important to aboriginal people and many communities still live in the region. Significant sites associated with the dreaming are particularly significant to Aboriginal communities.

13. The best title of the text is…..

A. World Heritage List

B. A Park

C. Kakadu National Park

D. Aboriginal Food

14. Which paragraph tells us about the condition of

the appearance of the Park?.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

15. The word “indigenous” has the same meaning as..

A. strange

B. original

C. domestic

D. foreign

Text 4 for no 16-117

My Favorite restaurant

I like to eat out and I go to a restaurant for dinner at least twice a month. I go with my friends or my family. Our favorite restaurant is an Indian restaurant in Cleveland Street in Surry Hills. It is not very big but it is always busy. There are only a few tables in the restaurant and there is a white tablecloth on each table. There is also a vase with lovely flowers on each table. There are plants in the corners. The place is very clean and well lighted so the customer can have a nice talk while enjoying their meal. Traditional Indian music can be heard softly from the room speakers. We usually order hot curries and eat them with rice. Its Chai tea is a winner! The food is delicious but the price is affordable. In addition, the service is quick and friendly. We always have a pleasant evening at this restaurant.

16. The function of the text is…

A. to advertise my favorite restaurant

B. to invite people to come to the restaurant

C. to describe writer’s favorite restaurant.

D. to inform the delicious food in the restaurant.

17. The synonym of the word “affordable” is….

A. capable

B. reasonable

C. portable

D. credible

Text 5 for no 18-21


The city of Paris is the capita! of France, It is  very old and is built either side of the river Seine, Paris is named after a Celtic tribe called the Parisi who lived on an island in the river. Paris is famous for its museums, galleries and is a leader of fashion in the world.

My best friend is Tania Hasibuan. She lives in Sukamaju with her parents, a brother and a sister. She comes from North Sumatra and speaks Bataknesse.

Tania is 14 years old. She has an oval face, black eyes and curly hair. Her weight is 52 kilos. Her height is 162 cms. She likes to play basketball and tennis. Her favourite colour is light pink. She doesn’t like cats and dogs.

She goes to Public High School. She is learning to speak English and it is very hard. At the weekend she plays basketball and after school she plays tennis. We play basketball together. We see each other every weekend. I can tell her all my secrets because I trust her. She is a very nice friend.

18.What is the text about ? It is about the descriptions

of the writer’s ….

A. pets

B. favorite sports

C. best friend

D. physical appearance

19. Based on the descriptions, how does Tania look


A. fat

B. short

C. tall

D. strong

20. How many members are there in Tania’s family ?

A. two

B. four

C. three

D. five

Text 6 for no 21-22

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower   is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars beside the Seine River in Paris. The tower has become a global icon of France and is one of the most recognizable structures in the world.

Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the Eiffel Tower is the tallest structures in Paris tallest building. More than 200,000,000 people have visited the tower since its construction in 1889, including 6,719,200 in 2006, making it the most visited paid monument in the world. Including the 24 m (79 ft) antenna, the structure is 325 m (1,063 ft) high (since 2000), which is equivalent to about 81 levels in a conventional building.

When the tower was completed in 1889 it was the world’s tallest tower — a title it retained until 1930 when New York City‘s Chrysler Building (319 m — 1,047 ft tall) was completed. The tower is now the fifth-tallest structure in France and the tallest structure in Paris, with the second-tallest being the Tour Montparnasse (210 m — 689 ft), although that will soon be surpassed by Tour AXA (225.11 m — 738.36 ft).

21. When had the tower been constructed?

A.  Since 1889

B.  Since  2006

C.  Since 1930

D.  Since 2000

22. Which statement is un-true based on the text?

A. The Eiffel tower was designed by Gustava


B. The Eiffel tower was the tallest tower in

the world since 1889

C. The Eiffel tower was the most visited paid

monument in the world

D. The Eiffel tower was built behind the

Seine River in Paris.

Text for no 23-25

The Indonesian archipelago is by far the world’s largest group of 13.667 islands which stretches across 5,120 km (3,200 miles) of tropical seas like a string of emeralds. When superimposed on a map of North America, Indonesia stretches from Oregon all the way to Bermuda. On a map of Europe, the archipelago extends from Ireland past the Caspian Sea. More than 200 million people inhabit this archipelago.

Known to anthropologists and naturalists as The Malay equatorial line”, the equatorial line is an imaginary line dividing the earth into two parts from east to west in the tropical zone. This makes

Indonesia have two seasons, the wet and dry season. Because of its location many kinds of flora and fauna live here. According to the astronomical location, Indonesia lies between 6° North Latitude and 11° South Latitude and between 5° East Longitude and 141° East Longitude.

23. What is paragraph one about?

A. The length of Indonesia

B. The Indonesia’s product

C. The size of Indonesia

D. The Indonesia’s people

24. Indonesia is rich of flora and fauna because …

A.  of its seasons

B.   it lies in the tropical zone

C.   it lies on 6° North latitude

D.  it is exactly in the middle of the earth

25. Which statement is suitable with the text?

A.  Longitude is an imaginary line that parallel with the equatorial line

B.   Indonesia is called The Malay Archipelago by Indonesians.

C.   The area of the equatorial line is also called the tropical zone

D.  Indonesia is inhabited by 200 million people


Text for no 1-4


Yogyakarta is a city in Central Java. It is one of the principal centers of Javanese culture. Yogyakarta is centered around the Sultan’s palace and it is familiarly known as “Kota Pelajar” and also famous for “Kota Gudeg”. From 1946 until 1949 it was the capital of Indonesian Republic.

Yogyakarta has a distinct and traditional Javanese character. It is why, it becomes a main tourist destination. There are many places of interest in this small town such as Jalan Malioboro. It is a bustling avenue lined with handicraft shop and restaurants. At the end of this avenue is the expensive Kraton of Sultan, and the royal pleasure gardens. Another place to visit is the Kraton of Paku Alam, another traditional ruler. The Sono Budoyo Museum, established in 1935 by the Java institute, houses prehistoric artifacts, Hindu-Javanes statues, bronzes and puppets. Other attractions include the bird market, the batik painter’s colony, the dancing school of Prince Tejokusumo, and the army museum. The Batik research Institute offers free guided tours to see the process of batik making.

1. Why does Yogyakarta become a main tourist


A. It has a Kraton Yogyakarta.

B. It is a small town, but very crowded.

C. There many places of interests.

D. It has traditional Javanese character.

2. What are there in Jalan Malioboro?

A. Museum and malls

B. Batik Painter’ colony.

C. Hadicraft stalls and restaurants.

D. Silver shop and restaurants.

3. Who reigns the Kraton of Yogyakarta?

A. A Sultan

B. A governor.

C. A King

D. An emperor.

4. We can find…in Sono Budoyo Museum.

A. prehistoric artifacts and antique furniture.

B. statues, puppets and silverware.

C. hindu-Javanese statue bronzes, puppets

and prehistoric artifacts.

D. bronzes, puppets, batik and gold.

Text for no 5-8

Wayang Kulit

Wayang Kulit is Indonesian shadow-puppet of java. In a Wayang Kulit performance, dramatic shadows of flat leather puppets are cast onto a screen, accompanied by music, narration, and dialogue. The stories are based on the ancient India epies, The Ramayana and Mahabarata. The purpose of the theatre is principally moral and religious instruction in Hinduism.

The flat puppets of Wayang Kulit theatre are cut from the cured hide of water buffalo, then decorated with intricate perforations and paint. Each puppet is supported by a central rod of buffalo horn with smaller rods to manipulate movable arms. The silhouettes of the puppets are projected onto screen the light of an oil lamp.

The central figure in wayang kulit performance is the dalang, a puppeteer and storyteller who operates the puppets while narrating the story, speaking all the dialogue, providing the sound effects, and conducting the Hindu-and-Buddhist-influenced gamelan orchestra, which provide musical accompaniment. As a full show will begin in the evening and continue until dawn, a dalang performance requires considerable endurance. The dalang is also recognized by audience members as a religious leader, or, shaman, who communicates with the spirit world during the wayang kulit performance.

The ritual function of the wayang kulit is still strong in modern-day java: performances are commissioned in villages to celebrate marriages, births, circumcisions, and celebration.

5. From the text we can infer that…

A. Wayang Kulit performance is usually

accompanied by a classical music orchestra.

B. The puppets can speak and move by themselves

C. A single wayang kulit performance is usually

performed by at least two dalangs.

D. People celebrating marriages, births, etc often

ask dalang to   perform wayang kulit.

6. Which of the words in paragraph 2 means “skin”?

A. Rod

B. Silhouette

C. Hide

D. Flat

7. Which of the following statements is incorrect based

on the text?

A. An oil lamp is needed for the performance

B. Wayang kulit show usually begins in the

morning until late at night

C. Wayang kulit puppets are made of buffalo


D. The main purpose of the theatre is moral and

religious instruction.

8. The last paragraph tells us about…

A. The characteristics of wayang kulit

B. the usage of wayang kulit in ritual


C. The kinds of wayang kulit

D. How wayang kulit works.

Text for no 9-10

Because of its warm, subtropical climate the year-round, the Miami Region has become a popular winter resort. Each year it attracts thousand of wealthy tourists, who prefer its sunshine and flowers to the cold and snow of the North. It is easy, therefore, to understand why Miami’s main occupation and largest business is entertaining tourists.

Other important occupations around Miami are fishing and agriculture. This region produces large quantities of citrus fruit as oranges, grapes, and lemons. The city also sends pineapple, papayas, avocados, coconuts and vegetables to northern markets during the winter. Miami is also important as a manufacturing centre.

9. The text above is about…

A. Subtropical climate

B. Miami region

C. Important occupations in Miami

D. Manufacturing centre.

10. What do wealthy tourists prefer in Miami?

A. They prefer the sunshine and snow

B. They prefer cold and flowers

C. they prefer flowers and sunshine

D. they prefer snow and smoke

Text for no 11-14

There are about forty teachers in my school. Most of them are kind and helpful. But my favorite one is Mrs. Rohana, my English teacher.

Mrs. Rohana is tall and slim enough. She is about thirty five years old. She is always neatly dressed. She always carries a briefcase when going to school. She uses it to keep her books and other things.

I always look forward to Mrs. Rohana’s class because it is never boring. Her jokes make her lessons interesting and lively. She advises us to read more story books to improve our English. She also encourages us to do exercises during the weekend, like jogging and swimming.

Although Mrs. Rohana is usually humorous, she can be very strict at times. She likes to give punishment to the students who do not finish the homework. She asks them to write a letter of confession.

Mrs. Rohana is also a caring person. Once I fell off my bike and had a deep cut on my knee. She washed my wound and put medicine on it. I was touched by his kindness.

I am so lucky to have a teacher like her. She is friendly, dedicated, and experienced in her work.

11. What is the best title of the text above?

A. My school teachers.

B. Forty teachers in my school

C. My favorite teacher

D. Mrs. Rohana’s class

12. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Mrs. Rohana always gives punishment to all


B. Mrs. Rahana’s class is  boring.

C. Mrs. Rohana is smart and talented teacher.

D. Mrs. Rohana is fat and slim.

13. “She also encourages us to do exercise….”

The word “us” refers to…..

  1. the writer
  2. the writer’s friends
  3. the writer and friends
  4. the writer and the teacher

14. The main idea of paragraph two is….

A. Mrs. Rohana’s appearance

B. Mrs. Rohana’s students

C. Mrs. Rohana.s joke

D. Mrs. Rohana’s school

Text for no 15-17

Riki and Raka are two dolphins in a show at a “Samudra” Aquarium, which is a very famous Aquarium in my town. Everyday they perform for the audiences who comes to watch them. Riki and Raka know many tricks. They jump through hoops. They walk across the mater using their tails. They leap high out of the writer to take a fish from the dolphin trainer.

Riki and Raka are beautiful dolphins. They are about 13 feet long. They each weigh about 400 pounds. They can stay under mater for almost 20 minutes while holding their breath. Riki and Raka are very gentle animals. All the audience love seeing them dance and perform many attractions.

15. The function of the text is…..

A. to describe dolphin in general

B. to tell a story about dolphin

C. to describe about Riki and Raka

D. to tell past activity about Riki and Raka.

16. Paragraph 2 tells us about…..

A. the definition of the dolphin

B. the size of Riki and Raka

C. the characteristics of Riki and Raka

D. the beauty of the dolphin.

17. From the text we know that Riki and Raka


A. smart and wild

B. smart and strong

C. smart and lazy

D. smart and weak

Text for no 18-20

His name is Gufron Adinata. He is a dermatologist. He works in the morning hours at “International Hospital” in Yogyakarta. The working hours are from 7.00 a.m until 1.00 p.m. Then he goes home, has lunch with his family, takes a nap for a while.

At 3.oo p.m he gets up then prepares his work at home. He stars his private practice at about 4.p.m. and finishes his work at 9.30 p.m.

He likes being a dermatologist as he can help other people to be free from sufferings of skin disease.

18. The writer wrote the text to……

A. present a new information about


B. to explain the works of dermatologist

C. to describe a certain subject, Ghufron


D. to retell past experiences of Ghufron


19. “Dermatologist” means someone who is expert


A. ears

B. skin

C. teeth

D. neuro

20. How long does he work in “International

Hospital” each day?

A. 5 hours

B. 6 hours

C. 7 hours

D. 8 hours.

Text for no 21-22

The Musical Family

Mr. Hadian is a teacher. He has two children. They are Rain, and Irfan. The two children can play musical instruments. Rian, the youngest boy, plays the trumpet. Mr.Hadian himself plays the piano. He teaches music at his children school.

Mr. Hadian is a good musician. He knows much about music and he is a composer, too. Mr. Hadian has many kinds of musical instruments at home. He and his children often play as a group at school parties. Once, they played on television for music program. They love music very much.

21. What does the text tell us about ?

A.  a musical family

B. Mr.  Hadian’s job

C. musical instruments

D. the children’s hobbies

22. What does Mr. Hadian do? He is a …

A. pianist

B. musician

C. teacher

D. composer

Text for no 23-25

Our school is on Jalan Sudirman. It has eighteen classrooms, two laboratories, library, one headmaster’s room, one teachers’ room, one staff room, one music room, computer’s room, and one canteen. We always hold a flag ceremony in our school yard: school yard is not so big, that’s why if we have PE lesson, we practice at the field beside school.

23.  Where do they always hold a flag ceremony?

A.  In the room                C.   Beside their school

B.   At the field                 D.  In their school yard

24. The students don’t practice their PE lesson at the

school yard because it is …

A.  big                             C.   wide

B.   long                           D.  small

25.”We always hold a flag ceremony….” (line 3)

What does the underlined word refer to?

A.  The writer and his teachers

B.   All the teachers of the school

C.   The students in the writer’s class

D.  The writer and his schoolmates


Text for no 1-3

The Earth’s greatest gorge” the Grand Canyon is located in northwestern Arizona. Its vastness is 217 mile long, and its widest it spans over 17 miles across. It is not surprising that it has been designated one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

The walls of the canyon are made of limestone, sandstone, lava and other rocks. As the day passes the rocks reflect different colors. Many tourists come to the canyon just to watch the rocks change color.

Cottonwood and willow trees grow at the bottom of the canyon. Many varieties of cactus grow here as well. The canyon is also home to many animals, such as bobcats, coyotes, kangaroo rats and deer.

Today about 4 million visitors come to the Grand Canyon each year. Seeing the Grand Canyon is always a breathtaking and unforgettable experience.

1. What is the text about?

A. the greatness of Grand Canyon

B.  the most unforgettable experience

C. varieties of plants in Grand Canyon

D. a number of tourists to Grand Canyon

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. the creatures live in Grand Canyon

B. Many animals live in Grand Canyon

C. Grand Canyon attracts tourists to come

D. Some plants grow well in Grand Canyon

3. Which of the following sentences is not true?

A. the Grand Canyon is situated in Arizona

B. 4 million visitors come to canyon annually

C. Many kinds of animals live in the canyon

D. Only varieties of cactus grow in the



BAB 10


(SKL NO 10)


Report Text adalah text yang menjelaskan, menggambarkan, mendiskripsikan sesuatu ( orang, benda, tempat )tentang ciri-ciri  secara umum, atau berttujuan menginformasikan cirri-ciri umum benda tersebut.


– To report something

– To describe general or common characteristic of……….

– To give general information about………

– To explain something in general.

Generic structure:

–          General classification/ general statement/ definition (  ada pada paragraph pertama. Jika dalam text ada prolognya, maka bisa ada pada paragaph setelah prolog.  Misalnya:

Hi Friends, I want to tell you about Whales.  (prolog)

Whales are…………………………                     (General classification)

–          Descriptions: Gambaran umum / ciri-ciri umum. Yang digambarkan adalah:

  1. physical characteristics (ciri-ciri fisik) / performance/appearance (tampang/penampilan).
  2. Behavior/ habit ( tingkah laku )
  3. Habitat
  4. Ability (kemampuan)
  5. Kinds/types (jenis/macam/tipe)
  6. Advantages (keuntungan)
  7. Danger  (Bahaya)
  8. Usage (keguanaan)

Contoh-Contoh Text Report :

  1. animals: Gorillas, Jaguar, Ants, Whales dsb ( Carilah yang lain)
  2. profession   ( Veterinarian, Manager, Teacher,….)
  3. Places  ( Temple, Islands, Mountain, …)

Catatan: Bedakan dengan text descriptive: Prambanan Temple, Bali island.

Pengayaan Vocabularies

Exercise: Match column A with suitable meaning in  Column B

No A B










Wild (carnivorous)

Tame (herbivorous)

Font leg

Back leg/hind leg


Fur, feather

Sharp jaw

Sharp teeth

Sharp nail

Beak, bill

a. kaki depan

b. ekor

c. kuku tajam

c. jinak/ pemakan tumbuhan

d. paruh

e. bulu rambut, bulu.

f. gigi tajam.

g. buas/ pemakan daging

h. kaki belakang

i. taring tajam

Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dalam UN :

  1. Pertanyaan tersirat:

–         What is the best title of the text?

–         What is the main idea of the text?

–         What is the main idea of the first paragraph/second paragraph?

–         Paragraph three talks about……..

–         Which paragraph tells us the appearance of “Bear”?

–         What is the function/the purpose of the text?

–         Paragraph one has the function to…..

  1. Pertanyaan tersurat:

( Pertanyaan ini menayakan What, Why, Where, When, How, Which, Whose dsb yang berhubungan dengan isi text)

–         Where is the Kangaroo originally from?

–         How does Leopard run??

–         What does the strong and long back legs of kangaroo for?

  1. Reference: Menanyakan “pronoun”.

–         The word “this” refers to…..

–         What does the word “these” refer to?

–         The word “it” refers to…..

  1. D. Vocabularies: Kosa-kata.

–         What is the similar meaning of the word”….”?

–         What is the opposite meaning of…….

–         The synonym of the word “….” is……

–         The antonym of the word “…” is……


Read the text to answer questions 1 to 3.

The sugar glider is a marsupial, just like the many other Australian animals – the kangaroo, the koala and the wombat for instance. The sugar glider is a possum – very similar to the tupai in Indonesia. It basically lives in trees. It eats leaves and fruit. However, the Australian sugar glider has a very special skill. It can jump from tree to tree like a tupai but it can also `sort of fly’ as well. In fact, it glides or terbang layang in Bahasa Indonesia. When it jumps from one tree to another it spreads its four legs out wide; and its extra skin also spreads out and functions like a parachute.

  1. What does the text tell us about?…

A.  The kangaroo.        C.  The wombat

B.  The koala                D.  The sugar glider

  1. Why can the sugar glider glide from tree to tree?

A.  It can spread its four legs and skin out wide

B.  It is very similar to the tupai in Indonesia

C.  It basically lives in trees

D.  It eats leaves and fruit

  1. “….. it spreads its four legs out wide ……”

The underlined word means ….

A.  executes                  C.  extends

B.  exceeds                  D.  examines

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 8,9,10 )








The largest meat-eating animal in the world is the brown bear that lives in Alaska. “Brownie”, as this bear is called, will always keep away from people. But, be careful if it is wounded with a gun or the mother bear and her cubs are shocked. Some hunters claim the brown bear can outfight a tiger.

A grown brownie may be up to nine feet tall. It may weigh over 1,600 pounds. But home when the brown bear is born, it weighs less than one pound. If you grew at the same rate, you would weigh almost 10,000 pounds when you were fully grown!

  1. What does the text mostly tell about?

A.  Brown bears           C.  Fighting tigers

B.  Strong hunters        D.  Alaska people

  1. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A.  A brown bear eats meat

B.  Brown bears can beat a tiger

C.  Brownie will keep away when it sees people

D.  Brown bears are tame animals

  1. “But if it is wounded with a gun or if the mother bear and her cubs are shocked,…” (line 3)

What does the underlined word mean?

A.  Male bears              C.  Group of bears

B.  Baby bears             D.  Other bears

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 39,40,41)








Read the text and answer questions 7-9


Dinosaurs were a type of lizards. They lived from about 230 million to about 65 million years ago. In 1842, Sir Richard Owen created the word dinosaur. It came from Greek words deino.s, meaning “terrible” and sauros, meaning “lizard”. Dinosaurs lived on earth for about 140 million years.

During the dinosaurian era, the days were short. The sun was not as hot as it is today. On earth there was only one big continent and one big ocean. The name of the continent was pangea (all lands) and the name of the ocean was panthallassa (all seas).

There were many kinds of dinosaurs. Some of them were very big and some others were small. Some dinosaurs ate leaves and some others ate meat. Some dinosaurs could fly.

What happened to dinosaurs? Dinosaurs became extinct because there was a large comet hitting the earth. The comet caused fire and it killed the trees. Dinosaurs could not eat because there were no trees on earth and finally they died and became extinct.

  1. What were the days like during the dinosaurian era?

A.  Long                        C.  Warm

B.  Cold                         D.  Short

  1. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A.  There were many kinds of dinosaurs

B.  Some dinosaurs could fly in the sky

C.  Many dinosaurs were small in form

D.  Dinosaurs ate leaves and meat

  1. The writer wrote the text …

A.  to describe what the dinosaurs look like

B.  to show the steps how to measure dinosaurs

C.  to inform people about dinosaurs and their lives

D.  to amuse people by showing the dinosaurs’ power

( UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 41, 42, 43 )








Read the text and answer questions 10-13

Chimpanzees are humans’ closest relatives compared to any other ape. They like to stay on the ground, but they climb among the trees. Their hands and feet can easily grip branches and objects, because their hobby is swinging. Chimps like to search for termites, ants and never refuse of sweet fruit and nuts. Chimpanzees communicate with each other using a wide variety of sound.

10. ‘What is the favorite place for the Chimpanzees to stay?

A. Among the trees.

B. On the branches.

C. On the ground.

D. On a certain object.

11. ‘The followings are chimpanzees’ food, except ….

A. small mammals

B. little insects

C.sweet fruits.

D. nuts

12. What does the text tell us about?

A. Chimpanzees physical appearance.

B. Chimpanzees’s habitats.

C. The diet of chimpanzees.

D. Chimpanzees’ habits.

13. “Chimpanzees are humans’ closest relatives compared. What does the word “relatives” mean?

A. thing that belongs to the same group as something else,

B. The process of comparing two or more people or things.

C. The position of somebody or something in organization.

D. The way people behave in a certain group.

( UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 8,9,10)










Read the text and answer questions 14-16

Butterflies start out as eggs. Butterflies lay their eggs on leaves. The egg hatches into a caterpillar with a tube-shaped body. The caterpillar eats leaves, buds, or flowers of plants. Caterpillars eat a lot and grow fast. Some caterpillars harm plants.

When a caterpillar is full size, it goes into another stage called a chrysalis. Caterpillars attach themselves to something solid before becoming a chrysalis.

The caterpillar inside the chrysalis changes into a butterfly. Some butterflies make the change in one week. Some butterflies take years to change.       .

When the change is complete, the adult butterfly splits the chrysalis. The insect unfolds its wings and pumps blood and air into them. It spreads out the wings until they dry and harden. The beautiful butterfly then flies off to slurp nectar from flowers. Most butterflies live only one or two weeks.

14. What does a butterfly change from?

A. An egg.

B. A chrysalis.

C. A caterpillar.

D. A tube-shaped body.

15. What do butterflies eat?

A. Flowers.

B. Leaves.

C. Nectar.

D. Bud.

16. What does the text tell us about?

A. The life of butterflies.

B. The story of butterflies.

C. The change of butterflies.

D. The hatch of eggs to butterflies.

(UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 31, 32, 33 )








Read the text and answer question numbers 39 to 41.

Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth: Superficially, the whale looks like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail ccnsists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to converse heat and body fluids.

  1. What is the text about?

A. Kinds of fish       C.  Sea animals

B. The whales         D.  All mammals

  1. The following are the proof that whales are not fish, EXPECT…

A. it has a single nostril

B. it can not survive on land

C. the skin is smooth and shiny

D. its tail consist of pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles

  1. “…, is the largest animal to have lived on earth”

What does the underline word above mean ?

A.. talles                  C.  smallest

B. fastes                  D.  biggest

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 39-41)










Text 1 for no 1-4

Avian Influenza is an infection caused by Avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. These occur naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines, but usually do not get sick from them. However, avian influenza is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including chickens, ducks and turkeys, very sick and kill them.

Infected birds shed influenza virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and feces. Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with contaminated secretions or excretions from infected birds. Domesticated birds may contact with surfaces ( such as dirt or cages) or materials such as water or food ) that have been contaminated.

Infected with avian influenza viruses in domestic poultry causes two main forms of disease that are distinguished by low and high extremes of virulence. The low pathogenic form may go un-detected and usually causes only maid symptoms (such as ruffle feathers and a drop in reproduction. However, the highly pathogenic form spreads more rapidly through flocks of poultry. This form may cause disease that affects multiple internal organs and has a mortality rate that can reach 90-100% often within 48 hours.




(SKL NO 7)


Text procedure adalah text yang menjelaskan bagaimana cara

( cara melakukan sesuatu,cara menggunakan, cara memasak, cara mengoperasikan, sara menyajikan, cara menyusun dsb)


–                     To give instruction how to……( memberi petunjuk bagaimana cara…)

–                     To give direction how to………(  sda )

–                     To explain/ to tell/to describe/to inform how to ( menjelaskan bagaimana cara..)

–                     To explain/to tell/to describe/ to inform the steps, the ways, or the methods how

to do….( menjelaskan langkah, cara, metode …)

GENERIC STRUCTURE ( bagian teks):

  1. Aim/goal ( tujuan teks ), ada pada judul.

Example  : How to be a good student

How to pass the examination

How to sew the clothes

How to use digital camera

How to serve fried noodle

How to cook “satay’

  1. Materials/ingredients /bahan/bumbu( jika ada): salt, flour, cooking oil

Equipments/tools/ alat: stove, frying pan, pan, ladle, spatula, knife, etc.

  1. Steps/ways/methods/procedures (langkah-langkah)

First, second, third, fourth, the next, then, after that, before that, the last/finally, etc.

Soal-soal yang biasanya ditanyakan dalam UN:

  1. Pertanyaan tersirat:

–         What is the best title of the text?

–         What is the main idea of the text?

–         What is the main idea of the first paragraph/second paragraph?

–         Paragraph three talks about……..

–         Which paragraph tells us the features of the subject?

–         What is the function/the purpose of the text?

–         Paragraph one has the function to…..

  1. Pertanyaan tersurat:

( Pertanyaan ini menayakan What, Why, Where, When, How, Which, Whose dsb yang berhubungan dengan isi text)

–         Where does he live?

–         How does she work?

–         What does the strong body of the subject for?

  1. Reference: Menanyakan “pronoun”.

–         The word “this” refers to…..

–         What does the word “these” refer to?

–         The word “it” refers to…..

  1. D. Vocabularies: Kosa-kata.

–         What is the similar meaning of the word”….”?

–         What is the opposite meaning of…….

–         The synonym of the word “….” is……

–         The antonym of the word “…” is……

Pengayaan Vocabularies:

Exercises: Match column A with suitable words in column B and C

* Yang berhubungan dengan memasak

No. 1 is done for you. Slice-irislah-knife

1.   slice (cut into small)

2.   toast

3.   wash

4.   simmer

5.   grate

6.   grind

7.   fry

8.   stir

9.   pour

10. turn over

a. tuangkan

b. cucilah

c. masaklah

d. parutlah

e. haluskan

f. baliklah

g. irislah

h. aduklah

i. pangganglah

j. gorenglah

– grinder

– knife

– spatula

– grater

– stove

– dishes

– frying pan

– tea pot

– spoon

– toaster

* Yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan  alat electronik

  1. plug in/ plug out
  2. turn on/ turn off
  3. turn up/ turn down
  4. adjust
  5. rotate
  6. press/push
  7. remove
  8. select
  9. enjoy
  10. play
a. tekan/dorong

b. naikkan/turunkan

c. mainkan

d. aturlah

e. putarlah

f.  bukalah

g. pilihlah

h. nikmatilah

i. hidupkan/matikan

j. colokkan/cabutlah

– radio tuning

– game

– program

– volume

– buttons ( tombol )

– cable

– cap

– TV station

– antenna, temperature

– lamp, TV, computer


Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following text.

How to Make a Boat or a Hat

Things you need

A half page of newspaper

What to do

First, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold.

Second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep folded.

Next, fold the corners down to the middle.

After that, fold the corners down to the middle again.

Then, fold the points downs to the middle.

Finally, open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat, or flip it over and wear it as a hat.

  1. How many times do we have to fold the paper?

A.  6                               C.  4

B.  5                               D.  3

  1. How many steps should we follow to make a good paper boat or hat as mentioned in the text?

A.  7                               C.  5

B.  6                               D.  4

  1. “Finally open the middle and turn it inside out to make a boat or flip it over and wear it as a hat.”

The underlined word could be best replaced with the word ….

A.  create                      C.  perform

B.  design                     D.  have

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 31,32,33)


1. B


2. B


3. A


Read the text and answer questions 4 to 6.

Tikka Kebab

Ingredients :

1.   Cubes of lamb

2.   Squares of green pepper

3.   Onions

4.   Salad

5.   T ikka seasoning mixture

Step :

1.   Cut onions into quarters

2.   Put cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewers and marinate them in Tikka seasoning

3.   Grill them

4.   Serve them with a salad (curry like seasoning from India)

  1. What does the writer write the text for?

A.  To inform how to serve a salad

B.  To explain how to make a salad

C.  To tell how to make Tikka Kebab

D.  To discuss how to make cubes of lamb

  1. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab?

A.  Three                       C.  Five

B.  Four                         D.  Six

  1. What does the word ‘them’ in step 2 refer to?

A.  Cubes of lamb and onions

B.  Onion, bamboo skewers, and salad.

C.  Squares of green pepper and onions

D.  Cubes of lamb, onions, and squares of green pepper

(UNAS 2007/2008 PAKET 15 soal no 35,36,37)


4. C


5. C


6. D


Read the following text to answer questions 7 to 9


Ingredients :

–             Some strawberries

–             Some grapes

–             A banana

–             A cup of yoghurt

–             Some mint leaves


–             A knife

–             A large bowl

–             A small bowl


1. Wash the fruit and let them dry on paper towels

2. Cut the strawberries and grapes in half on two slices 3. Slice the banana into chunks

4. Combine all the fruit in a large bowl and mix them

5. like three spoonfuls of mixed fruit and put them in a small bowl

6. Add a bit of yoghurt on top of the fruit salad

7. Place a small bundle of mint leaves on the yoghurt as a garnish

8. Sunrise salad is ready to serve

7. What is a small bowl for?

A.      To put the combination of all fruit.

B.      To place three spoonful of mixed fruit.

C.      To add some mixed fruit.

D.      To mix all of the fruit.

8.      What should we do after we cut all the fruit?

A.     Add a bit of yoghurt in it.

B.     Combine them in a large bowl.

C.     Garnish it with mint leaves.

D.     Serve it immediately.

9.      “Slice the banana into chunks” (step 3) The underlined word means ….

A.     small pieces

B.     large amount

C.     thick pieces

D.     thin pieces

(UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 37,38,39)








Text for no 10-12.

The following steps tell how to wash the clothes using a washing machine. First, separate the colored clothes from the others. Then, put them in the washing machine, turn the machine on, set it to the wash selection and pour the detergent powder in. Next wait for the tub to fill with water. After the process of washing has finished, let the clothes drain through the drain hose. After that, see the knob of the wash timer again, this time to rinse for three minutes. Do this twice for a good rinsing. Finally, put the wet clothes into the spin compartment, set the knob and wait until the spin processing shuts off. Now, you are ready to put the clothes on the line.

10.    When is the detergent powder poured into the washing machine?

A. Before we hut the dirty clothes in the machine.

B. Before we begin to turn the machine on.

C. After we set the machine to the wash position.

D. Before we rinse the clothes for the second time.

11.    What is the text above about?

A. How to operate the washing machine.

B. How to turn the washing machine.

C. How to wash the colored clothes.

D. How to rinse the dirty clothes.

12.    From the text above we know that….

A. It is bad to wash colored clothes using washing machine

B. it is useful to use detergent powder to rinse the clothes

C. it needs much electricity to wash using washing machine

D. it is not enough to rinse the clothes only once

(UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 19,20,21)








Read the text and answer questions 31 to 33

13. What do we do first if we want to make pulp?

A.  Mix the shredded paper with 151t of water and 1 spoonful of glue

B.  Soak the shredded paper in water for about 3 hours.

C.  Pour the shredded paper into a plastic container

D.  Dip the shredded paper into water

14. If we use 6 It of pulp, and 2 spoonful of glue, how much water do we need to make a good


A.  15 lt                          C.  45 lt

B.  30 lt                          D.  60 lt

15.”Soak the shredded paper in water fur about 3 hours.” The underlined word means …

A.  Put intowater until completely wet

B.  Put into liquid in a short time

C.  Take out from the water quickly

D.  Raise from the water gently

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 31-33)









Paket 1

Text for no 1-5

First, travel through the water with the chest and head pointing downward the bottom. Next, move the legs in a flutter kick: move up and down quickly and continually. Then, bring the right arm in front and slightly to the right of swimmer’s head and in the water. When the right hands enter the water, your right elbow should be above the surface of the water and the body should be tilted slightly to the left side. At the same time the left arm accelerates underneath the water in a pulling motion down the length of the body. After the right arm enters the water, the body naturally rolls to the right so that the body is horizontal above water surface. The left arm continuous through the stroke at the swimmer side, continuous to extend the right arm forward.

  1. What is the text about?
    1. diving
    2. swimming
    3. skiing
    4. water-skiing
  1. What is the purpose of writing the text?
    1. To tell how to do freestyle
    2. To entertain the reader by doing swimming
    3. To describe the freestyle
    4. To describe swimming in general
  1. How is the swimmer’s body when the right arm enters the water?
    1. Rolling to the right
    2. Rolling to the left
    3. Going forward
    4. Rolling to the back
  1. How many steps are there in the text?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 7
  1. The word “Quickly” has the similar meaning to…., except:
    1. rapidly
    2. swiftly
    3. fast
    4. hardly

Text for no 6-10

Making Pisang Goreng is very easy. First you need some ripe bananas and frying oil. Then slice the banana into thin slices. If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar or some cheese on top, or roll the bananas in flour before you fry them. The next, fry them in very hot oil until they turn brown. Eat them while it is warm. Hem…it’s very delicious.

  1. What materials do you need to make Fried Banana?
  1. Young bananas and frying oil
  2. Ripe bananas and frying pan

C.  Sugar and rotten banana

D.  Ripe bananas and cooking oil

  1. The writer wrote the text to….
  1. describe Pisang Goreng
  2. tell the ways to make Pisang Goreng
  3. explain the steps how to eat Pisang Goreng
  4. describe the process of frying Pisang Goreng.
  1. Which statement is correct based on the text?
    1. We have to roll the bananas with flour after frying them
    2. We must put sugar and cheese on top of bananas before slicing them
    3. We have to eat the bananas with a very hot oil
    4. We must stop cooking the bananas when they turn brown.
  1. The word “easy” has the opposite meaning to….., except:
    1. simple
    2. complicated
    3. difficult
    4. hard
  1. The word “them” in line 3 refers to …
    1. pisang Goreng
    2. bananas
    3. sugar and cheese
    4. flour

Text for no 11-15

Go to a cyber café or an internet café. Find a nice place and sit comfortably there. Then turn on the computer carefully. Wait patiently until you can see a form on your screen. After that, fill out the form accurately. When you have some problem, ask the attendant for assistance. Then, start to brows the internet. Find the information you wish. To end the operation, click the clock on the bottom right side of the screen. There you will see a figure indicating the amount of money you have to pay. Click “continue” when you do not want to end. Click “stop” if you are going to end using the appliance. Pay the cashier before you leave the place.

  1. The goal of the text is…
    1. To describe an internet café
    2. To give instruction how to use a computer
    3. To give guidance how to access an internet
    4. To persuade people to go to the internet café
  1. How to end an operation?
    1. Click the button in the right side of the computer then click “stop”..
    2. Click the “stop” button before browsing the information.
    3. Pay the cashier after getting some information
    4. Ask the attendant politely to end the computer

13. What should we do if we have some trouble?

A. We should repair it ourselves.

B. We should go home

C. We should ask our money back

D. We should ask some help for the employee

14. From the text above we know that there are…. Steps.

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

15. The word “end” has the same meaning to…..

A. start

B. satr

C. finish

D. furnish

Text for no 16-20

How to make “French Toast’

Steps: Firstly, mix two eggs, some milk and a little salt in a bowl. Then, slice a loaf of white bread. After that, dip slices of bread into the mixture. The next, heat some butter in a frying pan and put the bread in a frying pan. .The fifth, cook it for about three minutes on both sides. Finally, serve with jam (strawberry jam, pineapple jam or others) or syrup.

16. These are the materials (Ingredients) are needed to make French Toast.

  1. eggs, strawberry, frying oil, syrup, milk, salt.
  2. eggs, butter, jam, bread, milk, salt.
  3. eggs, frying oil, syrup, pineapple, milk, salt.
  4. eggs, bread, frying pan, bowl, milk, salt.

17. How many tools/equipments are mentioned in the text?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

18. From the text we can conclude that….

  1. There are five steps to make French Toast
  2. We need a mixer to mix French Toast
  3. We must fry the bread on the frying pan in a minute.
  4. We have to dip the bread in a mixture before frying it.

Text for no 19-23

How to make Pisang Penyet

You need         : Sweet bananas, palm sugar ( for the sauce )

  1. Stew the bananas
  2. Peel the bananas and flatten them
  3. bake them
  4. Prepare the sauce by putting the palm sugar in a pan. Add some water and boil it.
  5. Put the flattened bananas on a plate and pour them with some palm sugar sauce.

19. What do we need to make Pisang penyet sweeter?

A. Sweet bananas

B. Brown sugar

C. White sugar

D. Essences

  1. The purpose of the text is….

A. To describe Pisang Penyet

B. To tell the story of Pisang Penyet

C. To explain the ways to make Pisang Penyet

D. To inform the reader about Pisang Penyet.

  1. From the text we can infer that we must peel the bananas…

A. after stewing them

B. before stewing them

C. after flattening them

D. when we bake them

  1. Which word that has similar meaning to “Penyet”
    1. stewed
    2. flattened
    3. peeled
    4. baked




(SKL no 1)


Notice/caution: adalah salah satu text fungsional yang berupa petunjuk agar seseorang melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Notice/caution ini dapat berupa phrasa (gabungan kata), clausa (kalimat), atau berupa  gambar/tanda/sign.

Warning: Larangan agar supaya seseorang tidak melakukan hal tersebut karena dianggap sangat berbahaya. Jadi, warning hampir sama seperti notice tapi tingkat bahayanya lebih tinggi dari notice. Sehingga larangannya bersifat lebih keras.

Soal yang biasanya muncul dalam notice/caution:

  1. Function/purpose of the text ( fungsi / tujuan text ):

–         What is the function of the text?

–         What is the purpose of the notice?

Functions of the notice:

  1. To give instruction/to instruct people: untuk memberi petunjuk.
  2. To give direction: untuk memberi arahan.
  3. To ask people to…: untuk meminta orang supaya…..
  4. To advice/to suggest/to recommend people to..: untuk menganjurkan orang supaya……
  5. To remaind people to…: Untuk mengingatkan seseorang supaya….
  6. To warn/to give warning; untuk memberi peringatan
  7. To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to..: untuk melarang orang untuk….
  1. Meaning: arti/makna  notice tersebut

–         What does the notice mean?

–         The notice means……

Notice/caution menurut maknanya pada dasarnya dibagi menjadi dua jenis:

  1. Notice yang berupa arahan atau petunjuk.

Notice ini bisa berupa kalimat perintah, ajakan, nasehat, arahan atau petunjuk. Bisa juga berupa gambar/sign/tanda tertentu.


Contoh notice arahan yang berupa gambar

  1. Notice yang berupa larangan.

Notice ini berupa kalimat larangan, (No, Don’t, Never), atau berupa gambar/tanda/sign yang diberi tanda garis miring atau tanda silang (crossing).

Misalnya     : Don’t be noisy, No parking, never speak up.

Contoh notice larangan yang berupa gambar.

Meaning of the notice:

a. Jika notice tersebut berupa arahan, maka maknanya akan identik dengan

kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung makna:

( hafalkan kosa kata berikut)

– can/may                                                         : boleh

– must/have to                                                   : harus

– should                                                            : hendaknya, seyogyanya

– allowed/permitted/let                          : diperbolehkan

– suggested/recommended                                : dianjurkan

– asked/hoped                                                  : diminta/diharapkan

b. Jika notice tersebut berupa larangan, maka maknanya akan identik dengan

kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung makna:

( hafalkan kosa-kata berikut)

– can’t/may not/must not                                   : tidak boleh

– forbidden/banned/prohibited               : dilarang

– not allowed/not permitted                               : tidak diperbolehkan

– not suggested/not recommended                     : tidak dianjurkan

  1. Notice tersebut biasanya terdapat dimana.

–         Where can we usually find such a notice?

–         We usually find the notice in……

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, kita pahami dulu makna notice tersebut. Biasanya notice terdapat dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, sehingga soal sperti ini akan mudah kita kerjakan.


1. What does the notice on the right mean?

Keep the

Room Clean

A.  Do not throw rubbish in the room

B.  Do not destroy everything in the room

C.  Do not sleep in the room

D.  Do not speak in the room

(UNAS th 2006/2007 Paket 15. soal no 7)

Jawab: A.


2. What is the text about?

A.  How to avoid accident

B.  The way to block the sunlight

C.  How to close the lid

D.  The way to store a medicine

(UNAS th 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 21)

Jawab: D.


3. Where do you usually find the sign above?

A.  In the supermarket C.  At the train station

B.  In the garden           D.  At the airport

(UNAS th 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 42)

Jawab: A


4. Look at the following notice.


What does the notice above mean?

A.  We are not allowed to walk near the place

B.  We are not allowed to come in the place

C.  We are forbidden to get out from the place

D.  We are forbidden to put something in the place.

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 15 soal no 43)

Jawab: B


5. Read the following notice, It is put on the glass door.

No children under 10 years

What does it mean

A.  We don’t have children under 10 years old.

B.  Children under 10 years old must enter the room

C.  Children under 10 years old mustn’t enter the room

D.  There are no children under 10 years old in that room.

(UNAS th 2007/2008 PAKET 15 soal no 1)

Jawab: D


6. The following warning means that pedestrians should … the grass.

Keep off the grass

A.  not cut                      C.  not keep

B.  not water                 D.  not walk on

(UNAS th 2007/2008 PAKET 15 soal no 4)

Jawab: D


7. Study the notice!

What does the notice above mean?

A.  We don’t have to dry our hands

B.  We can’t use our hand to dry something

C.  We should use the dryer to dry our hands

D.  We should use our hand to dry something

(UNAS 2007/2008 PAKET 15 soal no. 7)

Jawab:  C


In case of fire don’t use lift

but use fire exit door

8. Where do you Usually find the caution’?

A.   Near the windows of the house   C.  At the door in a small house

B.   On the wall in a motel                    D.  On the lift in a building

(UNAS 2008/2009 PAKET 15 soal no 7)

Jawab; D


9. Look at the traffic sign! It means …

A.  the road is winding

B.  the road is slippery

C.  the car may not enter this street

D.  there are a lot of winding turns

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 7)





10. The sentence above means … in the classroom.

A.  don’t make any noise

B.  don’t throw rubbish anywhere

C.  put the books on the bookshelf

D.  put the rubbish on the floor

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 21)


10. B


Text for no 11

Switch off all electronic appliances when you don’t need them.

11. We will find kind of instruction in the following places, EXCEPT…

A.  at home                   C.  in the office

B.  at school                  D.  along the street

12. Which of the following sentences best explains the above sign?

A.  If you break any of the articles you should pay for it

B.  You don’t have to buy articles that are broken

C.  In this section you will only find broken articles

D.  The shop sells special broken articles

(UNAS 2006/2007 PAKET 48 soal no 42-43)








Text for no 1-2


Opening Hours:

July-Dec 6.00 am – 9.30 pm

Jan-June 7.00 am – 9.00 pm

  1. What is the function of the text?
  1. To give information about the place for parking in University Park
  2. To give instruction about parking in University Park
  3. To give the descriptions about parking area in University park
  4. To explain how to open the parking area in University Park
  1. How long does the park open on September?
    1. Nine hours
    2. Fifty and a half  hours
    3. fifteen and a half hours
    4. Eleven hours

Text for no 3


  1. The notice means….
    1. Only patients can enter the room
    2. It is special room for doctors and nurse
    3. The room is only for critical patients
    4. It is a special and an expensive room in the hospital

Text for no 4-5


Must only be opened by the addressee

  1. You have a letter addressed to Ghani Anderson which has this message on the envelope.

This means that you must……

    1. open the letter immediately
    2. wait until you are alone to open it
    3. give it to Ghani unopened
    4. open it and then give it t Ghani
  1. The function of the notice is…..
    1. to allow all people to open the letter
    2. to ask the reader not to open the letter
    3. to prohibit Ghani to open the letter
    4. to let Ghani send the letter

Text for no 6





  1. The notice gives us the instructions to…
    1. keep the insecticide in children’s room
    2. avoid the insecticide from children
    3. ask us to inhale the insecticide
    4. prohibit the reader to use the insecticide

Text for no 7-8


  1. Where do you usually find such a notice?
    1. In the zoo
    2. In the parking area
    3. In the playground
    4. In the park
  1. It means…
    1. People are banned to grow the plants
    2. People are suggested to pick up the plants
    3. People must pick and grow the plants
    4. People are forbidden to pick out the plants